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Results for "main_practice: "Faith", latest_content: 1"
What God Is By Hannah Berkowitz for KidSpirit’s issue on The Word. When I was 13, in the midst of preparing for my bat mitzvah, I decided I didn't believe in God. I walked into my rabbi's office for our we…
The Joy of Byzantine Catholicism By Chris Woods in the KidSpirit Happiness Issue I was baptized into the Roman Catholic Church. Shortly after I was born, my family moved and we became parishioners at a Byzantine Catholic Church …
The New Sharing Economy In the, Sandy Banks writes about how she first heard about the sharing economy. Her daughter was able to travel cheap in Europe by going online each day and finding a couch at a …
The Crescent and I By Abdullah Sayed for KidSpirit's Education issue. Though I live in the middle of the multicultural metropolis of the world, Queens, I find it hard to imagine that any of my non-Muslim friends ar…
The Ecology of Our Minds By Nimai Agarwal for KidSpirit’s Climate Change: Tending Our Planet issue. When I was eight years old, my parents used to take me to the National Mall in Washington, D.C. We would go every week…
Taking the Pulse of Religion in America A new survey of more than 35,000 U.S. adults by the Pew Research Center finds that the percentages of those who say they believe in God, pray daily, and regularly go to church or another religious s…
Sunflowers for Distressed Hearts "The sunflower is mine." —Vincent van Gogh
Playing Hide and Seek with God I've been playing hide and seek with God most of my life. Sometimes I hide from God and sometimes God hides from me. I think I've discerned a pattern: Whenever I become confident that God is found i…
Jesus in Philadelphia For the last eight months, Michael Grant has walked the streets of Philadelphia dressed as Jesus Christ. He has picked up the nickname "Philly Jesus," writes Mark Makela in this Reuters article. …
Evolving Gender Roles in the Vedas By Nimai Agarwal for KidSpirit's The Soul of Gender Issue. For those who don’t know, the Vedas are ancient Hindu scriptures, a vast collection of knowledge that stretches over many subjects, co…